Normally, I would encourage people to buy original art, not posters but these all have great “wall appeal”. (I still miss my Warhol Trash poster, not the one here, a better one. I gave it to my ex. I think I want it back, the poster, that is.) Well, here’s a curated selection of iconic posters on Paddle 8, priced from a just a couple hundred – $200 starting bid on the I Shot Andy Warhol to $11,500 for Dr. No. Here’s a tip; framing MAKES the piece. Don’t cheap out. Have it floated in a 1″ deep painted black or white wooden frame. It’s looks SO much better than using a mat or smashing it under plexiglass. Don’t use glass. The Paddle 8 auction ends Tuesday, January 20. You can go here to here to bid and/or see more great examples.