This last weekend, my Gallery 52 in Upstate New York hosted the opening reception for 13 year old Haelo’s first solo show, MOOD, but it’s his second show at the gallery. Haelo was in a group exhibit, ALL IN LINE, at the gallery 3 years ago along with artists like Keith Haring, Roy Lichtenstein & Andy Warrhol. He was 10.
I first came across Haelo’s work on social media. His grandmother is my old friend Eloise Zeeman, who is the least grandmotherly person you could imagine. She and I first met in the East Village in the 80s when she was a dancer for the Beastie Boys concerts. A wild child. She’s now a yoga teacher and she raised Haelo. Knowing them both, it’s perfect.
Creative excellence runs in the family. Her mother is Joan Javits, the niece of Senator Jacob Javits (of convention center fame) who wrote the song ‘Santa Baby’ for Eartha Kitt in the 50s.
Haelo, Art Monkey, 2021, iPad drawing, edition of 11, Gallery 52.
Haelo, The Losers (The Trumps as rats) 2021, archival pigment print, edition of 11. Gallery 52.
Haelo, Untitled, 2017, mixed media on paper featured the crown which reappears in his work.
Back to Haelo. I’m been mentoring him long distance since 2021. In 2022 he came to my studio with Joan and Eloise to work on some pieces and now two years later, this current exhibit is chock full of teenage angst.
Eloise explains;
“Haelo began drawing daily when he was three. He was also diagnosed with autism and his teachers were stunned at the emotional complexity of his artwork. After ear surgery at 5, he quickly began to speak and develop skills in digital art and music.”
He’s been doing iPad drawings and illustrations for years and lately he’s been composing Scott Joplin-style rags on piano and dancing up a storm. His superpower is his disability and unlike most of us, he realized this early on.
His opening reception was a big success, selling 3 pieces before the exhibit and another 3 the day of the show, plus a commission and a few posters. The day of the show Haelo was game to discuss his work with anyone who was curious (which was everyone) I think most though he knew the work of Basquiat, Haring and or Warhol. He didn’t really, but he does now. The crown has appeared in his work since he was 6.
To talk to Haelo today, he seems like a pretty average 13 year old. Until you get to know him and then you are surprised by intuitive intelligence, sense of humor and incredible creativity.
He’s excited about the exhibit and is already back home making new work. I’ll have to talk to Eloise again but I think his next exhibit might be at my little Galeria 40 in Merida, Mx. Stay tuned. This kid has. got the goods.