Everyone’s an art critic these days, right? That very poor likeness of Patriotsquarterback Tom Brady has prompted a slew of hilarious internet headlines, memes, and tweets that have overshadowed the actual proceedings. Brady is in court to appeal a four-game suspension for his role in the infamous “DeflateGate” scandal of January 2015 and he was captured by New York artist Jane Rosenberg. It has been compared to the Hunchback of Notre Dame, ET, Sméagol from Lord of the Rings, and even Ecce Homo, the fresco face by Elías Martínez that a Spanish woman “restored” that became known as “Beast Jesus.” Chris Chase said in USA Today;
“It looks like Brady’s face was put in one of those machines that crushes cars. Did the courtroom artist hear ‘deflate'” and assumed it related to the drawing of Brady’s face?”
Brady, of course, is known for his model good looks —he’s married to a SUPERmodel after all— so something clearly went wrong.
Rosenberg has been a sketch artist for 35 years and has depicted other including famous faces like Martha Stewart, Bill Cosby, and Woody Allen. She told the New York Timesthat drawing celebs is the hardest part of her job, because people already have preconceived notions of what they look like:
“[I am] under a lot of pressure to work very quickly and do the best I can on the short deadline I’m on. I’m getting bad criticism that I made him look like Lurch [from The Addams Family] . . . and obviously I apologize to Tom Brady for not making him as good-looking as he is.”
Well, like most things today, whether you are seeking attention –or just unintentionally screw up– the best way to make a name for yourself is to f*ck it up. Right, Mr. Trump?