Artist and Jesus-enthusiast, Nathan Greene has put Jesus in someone awkward positions, if you ask me. The artist has taken some liberties with where people want to have Jesus show up. I know, they are meant to be reassuring with the underlying message that “Jesus is IN your daily life” but the effect in these works of art are more funny, and a little creepy, like Jesus is stalking you, or just might appear when you least expect it. (Painter Stephen Sawyerhas him shooting up!) Nathan’s reproductions sell for as much $1495, but if you’re interested, he has posters too. Hey, regardless of your faith, art is supposed to be something sacred, right? If so, these might be blasphemy…
Mainline Jesus.
Artist Stephen Sawyer has Jesus hogging all the drugs.
Medical Jesus; maybe seeing Jesus while under the knife would the opposite of reassuring?
Science Jesus; This doc might be confused about Darwin…
Sorry, Jesus, this is looks a little like the beginning of a Christian horror film…
Jesus with Adam & Eve? (see, not Adam & Steve!) or is it Jon Hamm & Anne Hathaway?
Anyway, that Garden of Eden hair care really works great!