I lived in the West Village on Washington, just two blocks away from Tortilla Flats for 13 years, up until last year.
Well, it’s is closing next week after being in business in the West Village at West 12th and Washington Street since 1983. The bar and restaurant is closing Saturday, October 27 after its owners were unable to reach an agreement with the landlord for a new lease.
The Flats has been a popular spot for its cheap Tex-Mex fare and margaritas since 1983. Bingo night, Ernest Borgnine‘s birthday and tons of other event have kept locals and tourists coming back.
My Facebook pal Royston Scott Posted this pic with the text…
“I was informed over the weekend that my place of employment for the last 20(!) years will be closing in TWO WEEKS due to our greedy landlord…. R.I.P. Tortilla Flats, NYC will miss you.“
I can’t count how many times I ate there or ordered take-out guacamole and chips. My mother’s 75 birthday party was held there just a few years ago (see pics) along with many other celebrations, brunches and cocktail parties over the decades.
Patrons have this week to savor a last meal at the restaurant. A lot of places have closed in the last several years but this one really makes me sad. It was cheap, good fun and was ALWAYS there. Ah, the impermanence of life and restaurants in NYC.
UPDATE: “The staff and management of Tortilla Flats wish to express their sincere gratitude and immense appreciation to all of their friends and neighbors for their unwavering support throughout the years.
Fellow New York restaurateurs who are desirous of adding well-seasoned and highly meritorious kitchen, dining room and bar personnel to their staffs are encouraged to send all
inquiries to Jean Bambury at tfcocina@gmail.com
Marc, Kachin and Patti with Mom on her 75th.
John & Mom
Mom with the 9 shots John won!