I’m sure your Instagram was plenty scary and fun too, but I thought I’d share mine which is still going strong this morning. One of THE best things about Instagram is seeing your friends (mixed in with celebs and such) from all over in crazy outfits having fun. However, I’m gonna be a bit lazy about this time, I’m not putting every single person’s Instagram handle here, it takes forever to embed or cation each pic. But you should be able to spot Katy Perry as a mic passed out on the floor, Zachary Quinto as an AWESOME gorilla, a tearful Jackie Beat, both Heidi Klum and Sharon Needles as Jessica Rabbit (Who wore it best?) James Franco‘s skeleton crew along with artist Kaws costume contest (it was a six-way tie) a certain “flasher” art critic who shall remain nameless terrified. But I think maybe THE best costume all year, Alo the Brussel’s Griffon as a black widow spider. Boo!