The hit Netflix series Narcos, all about the dealings of drug lord Pablo Escobar, must have inspired somebody to dig up theses none-too-subtle 70s advertisements for cocaine. These ads, from about 1976 to 1981 feature drug paraphernalia, hot chicks and merch with a few marijuana-related items thrown in for kicks. Fun to look back on a time when coke was king, isn’t it?… although I hear it’s making a comeback… although I don’t really travel in THOSE circles.
To coin a phrase,
“Things go better with Coke!”
Drug paraphernalia ads were and are legal in most states in the U.S., but selling coke is NOT. Just yesterday the DEA made a huge bust. 30 people were arrested in a long-running conspiracy to distribute cocaine in north Alabama. $468,250 cash and more than 38 kilograms of cocainewas seized. Some of the people arrested, in fact most, had VERY colorful nicknames like; Jermaine “Main Main” Cunningham, Lamond Frederick “Lemon” Boykin, Andre Lasalle “Put” Cater, Marcus Dwayne “Butch”Trammell, Frederick Eli “Poochie” Brown Jr., Latonya Roshelle “Punkin” Elliott, Leon Tremayne “Ears” Teague, Darion Deonte “Red” McClendon, James Cortez “Punkin”Timmons (How can they have two “Punkins”?!) and Marshall “Tweetie” Hughes Jr.. These names work well in the “joint” too, I guess. “AbsoTOOTly!”