Selfies can be annoying, but usually not fatal, unless you try it in the middle of traffic or on the edge of a cliff. Replacing guns with selfie sticks would be a good idea and in the movies, it would go a little something like this…

Selfies can be annoying, but usually not fatal, unless you try it in the middle of traffic or on the edge of a cliff. Replacing guns with selfie sticks would be a good idea and in the movies, it would go a little something like this…
Anyone enamored with guns is justifiably subject to some Freudian judgements, in my book. But Matt Haughey, best known as the founder of MetaFilter, took it one step further last Friday evening and embarked on a new project: transforming images of GOP POTUS hopefuls holding guns into images of GOP presidential candidates holding DILDOS.
Haughey took notice after searching for images,
“…the hilarious positioning in them, how everyone’s eyes are all lit up in photos, and when I would swap something else in, it’d make for a good effect.”
Haughey has nothing against dildos and hopes these new pics will
“deflate any power those images have, by reducing them to nonsense.”
He’s also compiling some of his creations (along with their sources) on a Tumblr, and he’s asked people to submit photos for him to Photoshop. You can Tweet him @mathowie. He wants to create one new image a day until the election. Look for #GOPDildo
(T/Y Tad; via Fusion)
Well, one thing war is good for – selling movie tickets and two hours of killing time! We ALL love war, and HATE it, but love it, don’t we? Not only in America but also all over the planet. American Sniper is garnering all sorts of praise for director Clint Eastwood and Bradley Cooper. It’s nominated for six Oscars, and was the top-grossing movie in the U.S. and Canada this last weekend, bringing in $90 million to set a record for January. However well-crafted, do we really need ANOTHER movie to “get” that war is bad? You can try to sell it and convince me otherwise, with a compelling story, great directing and acting, but it justifies and glorifies the horrifying actions of war. Me? I’m not interested in guns and war and killing… not in “real life” or the Hollywood version.
What happened to NO MORE WAR & cries for PEACE NOW from our young people? That’s now morphed into SUPPORT THE TROOPS or else THE TERRORISTS WIN. ‘See the world! Visit foreign lands and murder people, as a bonus!’ Poor young men and women tricked into serving to get “a free education”. Yeah, free. Returning, if at all, limbless with shattered minds. And you can pretend whatever war entertainment you watch is “important”, for whatever reason… but just face it, most Americans just LOVE all aspects of killing and guns. LOVE IT! Well, you can have it ALL, including your SUPPORT THE TROOPS bumperstickers, movies, TV shows and jingoistic bulls*t. A peacenik, new age expression used to go like this;
“You combine with what you vibrate to.”
“… we must fix our vision not merely on the negative expulsion of war, but upon the positive affirmation of peace.” – Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1964