NSFW: The upcoming exhibit, Scarlett Muse, at Daniel Cooney Fine Art further exposes hustlers, hookers, prostitutes, gigolos, ladies of the evening and assorted sex workers. Since the dawn of photography over 150 years ago the purveyors of prostitution have inspired compelling imagery...
The idea of this exhibition at first, might seem a bit illicit and seedy, but it is really quite the opposite upon examination. From an early stereo daguerreotype (c.1850’s) to E.J. Bellocq’s portraits of prostitutes in the brothels of New Orleans to Atget and Brassai photographing ladies of the evening in Paris, the show runs the gamut of up-close intimacy.
The more current work of Benjamin Fredrickson in a dual role as artist/hustler with his provocative Polaroid self-portraits made while servicing clients rivet while Anthony Friedkin’s look at gay life in gritty San Francisco are a window into the dawn of gay liberation. Punk rock legend Danny Fields‘ shares living room snapshots circa mid 70’s and artist’s George Awde, P.L. diCorcia and Malerie Marder bring us into the 21st century.
The exhibit opens Thursday, June 9 at Daniel Cooney Fine Art.
Bruno – August Braquehais
Eugene Atget
E.J. Bellocq
Christer Stromholm
Christer Stromholm
Anthony Friedkin
Anthony Friedkin
Larry Clark
George Awde
Danny Fields
Danny Fields
Chris Arnade
Chris Arnade
Bob Mizer
Bob Mizer
Jane Hilton
Pedro Slim