West coast photographer Janet Delaney made a half a dozen trips to New York City between 1984 and 1987 and after decades in storage, she’s dusted off these forgotten pics of a time gone by. She told Gothamist;
“In the 1980s I made 11 x 14 prints in my color darkroom and showed them to a few people, but I was busy photographing in San Francisco and Nicaragua at the time so I did not do anything with them.
At that time San Francisco just did not have the critical mass of people that make the streets come alive. My other projects were very focused, political in nature and technically complicated. Photographing on the streets in New York was pure pleasure. I embraced the hunt, the unexpected encounter with strangers, the challenge to describe people in the context of a particular place. This all kept me very engaged.”
Delaney has shown these photos at various galleries, but has no current plans for a NYC show, but she says she would
“welcome the opportunity to show the whole series in New York, they look great printed up big!”
They do! Have a look.

(via Gothamist)