There was once a time when Americans could pick up an LP from their local record store that either gave youngsters sex advice or their parents tips. (Just the tips, please.) They were given pointers on how to discuss the subject with their little ones. I know –you’re embarrassed thinking about it. Me too. The well-meaning (sexist?) discs included here like a priest (Father Filas) advising parents on what to tell their children about sex (like he’d be the best person to ask?) the host of Kids Say the Darndest Things, Art Linkletter, narrating the story of “Where do I come from?”, and a Dr. Morris Fishbein giving advice to growing girls. Thank the baby Jesus that these are just the visuals and we don’t have to HEAR the advice. You can be sure that it was all just boy on girl stuff and making babies. It’s gotten SO much more complicated these days. I say, let Mr. Google fill them in,
“Cindy, just type in, ‘Where do babies come from?’…”