Landon Meier, is a Denver-based artist who makes masks for his company, Hyperflesh. He’s most famous for masks of babies’ faces, but has also produced scary replicas of Charlie Sheen, Peter Dinklage, and Bryan Cranston, among others. Meier unveiled his new political masks at the horror convention Monsterpalooza, held last weekend in Pasadena.
“I try to pick characters, people who’ll be fun to run around scaring people with… topical stuff and right now, with the political atmosphere, everyone is so polarized and angry. So I thought it would be fun to lampoon each one of them.”
Meier enlisted the help of his girlfriend, Ashley Teasdale (not the actress) to play Bernie Sanders and a wrestler friend Bo Cooper to play Donald Trump. He suited up as Hillary Clinton. (Pretty hot, Landon!)
“I made Bernie the sexy socialist hippie, made Trump a white trash dude, and made Hillary a… I don’t know… a male dominatrix, I guess.”
You can see these aren’t your party store Halloween masks as each piece takes months, of silicone casting, sculpting, detailed painting and hair piece work. Each mask costs around $4,500.
“That figure usually scares the shit out of most people but for people who have disposable income and appreciate good art, it’s OK.”
Monsterpalooza fans were pretty obsessed with these three,
“I literally couldn’t walk around because everyone was stopping to take a photo. There was nobody who just walked by. Everyone was just dumbfounded.”
No matter who you are voting for these are a creepy combo to love/hate. We have one question? Why no Ted Cruz, Landon? OK. We just imagined it and it really IS too terrifying. Nevermind.

(Photos, Carly Cooper; via BuzzFeed News)