...there are no words. I'm at a loss –and so is America.
New York artist Deborah Kass has just created a new print in support of Democratic POTUS nominee, Hillary Clinton. Her work has often co-opted Warhol’s style (and others) to make statements. This work mimics Andy’s iconic screenprint Vote McGovern from ’72. George W. Bush was the incumbent and John Kerry the Democratic challenger a dozen years ago,
“I first wanted to do a work like this in 2004. There was no way to make it happen then but sometimes the perfect opportunity comes up at another point in your life. It’s always been in the back of my mind, but anyway, it wouldn’t have been as much fun with Mitt Romney. It’s the right image for the right election.”
The print is an edition of 250 and can be purchased through the Clinton campaign. (Kass’s gallery in New York, Paul Kasmin is compiling names. You can write to them at info@paulkasmingallery.com) They sell for $1000 with 100% of the proceeds going directly to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Hey, that’s a quarter of a million bucks, Deborah! Thank you. I’m sure Donald Trump secretly thanks you too. His ego surely loves the image even though the message is little off point.
(via ArtnetNews)
Landon Meier, is a Denver-based artist who makes masks for his company, Hyperflesh. He’s most famous for masks of babies’ faces, but has also produced scary replicas of Charlie Sheen, Peter Dinklage, and Bryan Cranston, among others. Meier unveiled his new political masks at the horror convention Monsterpalooza, held last weekend in Pasadena.
“I try to pick characters, people who’ll be fun to run around scaring people with… topical stuff and right now, with the political atmosphere, everyone is so polarized and angry. So I thought it would be fun to lampoon each one of them.”
Meier enlisted the help of his girlfriend, Ashley Teasdale (not the actress) to play Bernie Sanders and a wrestler friend Bo Cooper to play Donald Trump. He suited up as Hillary Clinton. (Pretty hot, Landon!)
“I made Bernie the sexy socialist hippie, made Trump a white trash dude, and made Hillary a… I don’t know… a male dominatrix, I guess.”
You can see these aren’t your party store Halloween masks as each piece takes months, of silicone casting, sculpting, detailed painting and hair piece work. Each mask costs around $4,500.
“That figure usually scares the shit out of most people but for people who have disposable income and appreciate good art, it’s OK.”
Monsterpalooza fans were pretty obsessed with these three,
“I literally couldn’t walk around because everyone was stopping to take a photo. There was nobody who just walked by. Everyone was just dumbfounded.”
No matter who you are voting for these are a creepy combo to love/hate. We have one question? Why no Ted Cruz, Landon? OK. We just imagined it and it really IS too terrifying. Nevermind.

(Photos, Carly Cooper; via BuzzFeed News)
I’m not a big war-monger, but I DO like a good satire so, I was kind of blown away by these illustrations of Presidents kicking (and killing) some major ass, Hollywood-style. We’ve already seen Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Wonder what other POTUS fantasy action thrillers are in the pipeline? Nothing so far on what a killing Bernie Bot from the future or Hillary's Bitch Hunter might look like but one possibly dire prediction that would Trump them all. All art is by Jason Heuser. You find his etsy shop here.

The anger out there, on both sides is palpable. The right is pissed that the “Liberal media” and Obama’s “hopey changey” ideals have infected the country…and the left is also pissed that Obama didn’t kick ass more and terrified of ANY of the GOP candidates winning The White House. Hence the era of the outsider; Donald Trump & Bernie Sanders. If you were casting opposites in a political drama, you couldn’t go any further on the specrum without lapsing into parody. After last night’s win in New Hampshire for Sanders and Trump, I have to get this off my chest.
Here’s my point. Let’s see if I can state it simply enough. I really don’t have to cite of lot of examples– I can, and will– but you know what I mean if I say;
If Donald Trump is TOO extreme, then so is Bernie Sanders.
Each is a reaction to the other emphasized with anger. So many of my liberal friends who like (and voted for) Barack Obama (both times) were “disappointed in him –more than once. They wanted him to be MORE extreme and go after the party of “No”. But calmer head(s) prevailed and slow and steady has gotten us a LONG way. I don’t have to cite Obama’s record or tell you how cool he’s been under the most extreme pressure.
That’s what we need. Someone who can game the system. The two best politicians of my generation are named Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and a second Clinton is coming up.
I DO get why people love Bernie. I like him too. But we don’t need radical overhaul a this moment. I’m afraid it won’t work. Republicans will slaughter him and and we’ll end up with another Jimmy Carter. A well-meaning, brilliant but ineffective commander-in-chief. We need a continuum, not a fresh start. All of the things that Bernie is after, Hillary is too. People paint them as radically different but as Senators, they voted the same 90% of the time.
Of course, his supporters can’t see this, because polls say Bernie can WIN! But if he gets the nomination, all bets are off. The GOP will start smearing. They want Hillary out of the way. They think they can beat Bernie. Even if he can win, he will not be able to wave a magic wand and recreate the country as a socialist one.
The writer George Hodgman had this to say a few seeks ago,
“I think you could argue that Hillary Clinton is the most successful, powerful, ambitious, informed political woman in American history. I mean, isn’t she? Whatever happens, she will be the one who really made the leap and played it in the big room with the big, mean boys. She has lived inside the political realities of her time, sometimes triumphing over them, sometimes playing the game there was.”
So, again, my point is we DON’T need extremism. The country is already divided. We DO need someone who can work with Congress, be respected on the world stage and make concrete changes. If you went out to design a political animal that was the EXACT opposite of Donald Trump, you really would come up with Bernie Sanders. The other end of the spectrum entirely.
FYI, The White House just unveiled its budget plan, and the Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee won't even LOOK AT IT. Divisiveness with a new POTUS will only get worse, kids..
I won’t go into the reasons why I think Bernie is a dangerous risk as a nominee and POTUS, but one big concern is his age. Elected at 75, he would have a hard time being re-elected pushing 80. (Nice to be optimistic, but if you have grandparents, you see what can happen between 70 and 80, even without the pressures of the entire world on your shoulders.
The GOP is terrified of Hillary Clinton. They have been running a smear campaign for decades now and some of their slamming has stuck. Don’t believe it or don’t care? I’ve seen the Hillary hating VERBATIM, direct from the GOP playbook coming out of the mouths of liberal Democrats.
Think about the big picture. Can we take a chance with this election? With possibly 4 Supreme Court justices retiring in the next 4-8 years, with healthcare and marriage equality, a volatile world, tricky foreign relations, gun violence in the U.S. out of control and even Bernie’s signature issue, income inequality can be addressed by a candidate named Clinton. And don’t forget, you get a twofer with Hillary with Bill as First Dude!
OK. I’m done. But if it all goes horribly wrong, don’t think I won’t say, “I told you so!”
I’m still trying to find some evidence that this is a parody… but no, dice. It’s “real" as in "real-estate mogul" Donald Trump. real, as in @realDonaldTrump on Twitter. A Wednesday-night campaign rally had 3 young girls who call themselves the USA Freedom Kids, singing about America’s greatness and what Trump will do for the country WHEN he wins the 2016 presidential race.
“Cowardice, are you serious? Apologies for freedom — I can’t handle this! When freedom rings, answer the call!. On your feet, stand up tall! Freedom’s on our shoulders, USA! Enemies of freedom face the music. Come on boys, take them down!”
President Donald Trump knows how to make America great. Deal from strength or get crushed every time.”
“Are you serious? I can’t handle this,” is right? Watch.
As you know, Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump recently gave out Lindsay Graham‘s cell phone number on TV so, we’re pretty sure he’s OK with you having his office number. It’s his office number and they are likely closed weekends (maybe even early on summer Fridays) so, you might have to leave a message to let him know what an excellent job you think he’s doing to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!
That’s 212-832-2929.
During a scripted moment while giving his speech, Donald Trump announced that he was running for president, pointed skyward, and Rockin’ In The Free Worldbegan playing. Of course, Neil Youngobjected to the use of his song, but might The Donald have just been referring to his rockin’ pad upstairs? His apartment, done up in 24K gold and marble, was designed decades ago by Angelo Donghia in Louis XIV style and as you can see, the over-the-top of the top penthouse apartment is, like Trump, “all class.” That view is to die for and there IS, undeniably, some Liberace/ Vegas/ Michael Jacksonappeal, but can you imagine living like this for 30 years, without an update? He says he wants to
“Make America Great Again”
…but, thank the gods, his chances are about as good as me winning The Apprentice. What if he really has NO interest in politics? Maybe he is just Jonesin’ to get into The White House so he can redecorate to look like Versailles! Maybe that’s his evil plan.